Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. (2 Cor. 9:7 MSG)” ~Isaiah 26:4
The Ranch is run entirely on your generous donations. We want everybody to be able to benefit from this ministry, so we offer scholarships to anybody who needs it. We would love to have you on our ministry team as a financial partner!
If you would like to sponsor an individual or couple, your gift of $35/month will cover one 2-hour session. Or $140/month (or any part of that) will cover 4 sessions a month.
If you would like to sponsor a family, your gift of $50/month will cover one 2 1/2-hour session. Or $200/month will cover 4 sessions a month for a family in need.
Each horse in our herd of 5 eats around $200 worth of hay each month. If you’d like to sponsor one of our horses by contributing to any part of this expense, that would be a blessing!
If you would like to contribute to our general operating fund and growth vision, that will be a tremendous blessing as well!
Whether you can give $5/month, $500/month, or anything in between… when it’s all put together, it all makes a difference and adds up to cover our operating budget to sustain and grow God’s work! So if you can only give a few dollars a month, please do not fall for the lie that your contribution won’t make a difference, because it will! Remember what God did with just a couple fish and some loaves of bread? (Matthew 14: 13-21) 😊
To make your donation today please proceed with one of the following options:
- To donate via a credit card, please fill out the following form below. 98% of your donation goes to the ministry after processing fees.
- Already have a PayPal account, give through our PayPal charity page where 100% of your donation goes directly to the ministry with no PayPal fees.
- Mail your donation today, to The Son and Reins Ranch, PO Box 682, Franktown CO 80116
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We depend on your support & we invite you to partner with us. The three main ways to join us in our mission are listed below. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to get involved and become part of The Son & Reins Ranch family.
It’s all about relationship…
We can only trust a person or animal to the extent that we know them. We can’t start with a relationship and then work on trust and respect, because any relationship not built on trust and respect will be superficial and unfulfilling. We all have an innate need and desire to know and be known; to understand and be understood; to be accepted and loved for who we are.
This is true whether we’re talking about us and a horse, us and another person, or us and God.
At the heart of every one of our sessions is relationship. The help, healing and growth we all seek in our personal and professional lives, begins with understanding and accepting ourselves.
The horses respond to us in a beautifully authentic way, no agenda, simple truth, unconditional love. This in turn helps us better understand and accept our Creator’s response to us, which shapes our entire worldview and influences every decision and every relationship.
Our sessions help people find their own firm foundation on which to build on.