

Our equine-assisted-learning and philosophy (EAL/ EAP) sessions are designed to help people work through various mental, emotional and relational challenges.

EAL is experiential learning with horses. Unlike talk therapy, it engages all the senses, it’s hands-on and interactive, and therefore leads to greater understanding, application and retention.

We don’t teach, we facilitate a learning opportunity, and each participant will be impacted differently, according to their experience and needs.

Through our sessions, participants are empowered to discover truth and awareness, experience growth and healing, find peace and purpose, and gain understanding and perspective.

No matter how you, your marriage or family, or your children have come to this place of difficulty and pain in your life, participating in our EAL sessions with our horses can help you find hope and healing.

Whether you participate in one-to-one or group sessions, you will be supported by our trained mentors and facilitators, and of course the horses will be with you the whole time too!

Sessions are customized to best meet the needs of the participant(s), whether individual, couple, family or group of any kind. It will be an honor to see how we can come alongside you, no matter what you’re going through or dealing with!

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We depend on your support & we invite you to partner with us. The three main ways to join us in our mission are listed below. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to get involved and become part of The Son & Reins Ranch family.

It’s all about relationship…

We can only trust a person or animal to the extent that we know them. We can’t start with a relationship and then work on trust and respect, because any relationship not built on trust and respect will be superficial and unfulfilling. We all have an innate need and desire to know and be known; to understand and be understood; to be accepted and loved for who we are.

 This is true whether we’re talking about us and a horse, us and another person, or us and God.

At the heart of every one of our sessions is relationship. The help, healing and growth we all seek in our personal and professional lives, begins with understanding and accepting ourselves.

The horses respond to us in a beautifully authentic way, no agenda, simple truth, unconditional love. This in turn helps us better understand and accept our Creator’s response to us, which shapes our entire worldview and influences every decision and every relationship.

Our sessions help people find their own firm foundation on which to build on.


Because we want to share with you all that we are blessed and honored to experience, each and every day, we created “Have You Herd,” which is news central for the latest news, stories, videos, happenings at the ranch.

Taking Flight (Part 1)

My task in the activity at the ranch was to paint the way I saw myself. My canvas? The smooth chestnut side of the horse. My mind immediately began forming the

Taking Flight (Part 2)

Why do we partner with horses? Horses have a powerful effect on people because their natural, instinctive behavior and senses guarantee safety and survival in a herd. Because the horse is

Taking Flight (Part 3)

By focusing on the interaction with the horse rather than on one’s self, defense mechanisms that become a part of our daily lives when we are wounded fall away, revealing the

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