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Would you like to learn more about The Son and Reins Ranch? We offer a monthly newsletter that explains more about what we do, how our horses came to join our herd, and opportunities to participate or get involved! We also send out periodic updates on the Ranch and upcoming events. We will only email you a couple of times a month, will never spam you, and will never sell or give out your information. We’d be honored for you to join us; sign up using the form below.
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Share in Ranch Life
We depend on your support & we invite you to partner with us. The three main ways to join us in our mission are listed below. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to get involved and become part of The Son & Reins Ranch family.
It’s all about relationship…
We can only trust a person or animal to the extent that we know them. We can’t start with a relationship and then work on trust and respect, because any relationship not built on trust and respect will be superficial and unfulfilling. We all have an innate need and desire to know and be known; to understand and be understood; to be accepted and loved for who we are.
This is true whether we’re talking about us and a horse, us and another person, or us and God.
At the heart of every one of our sessions is relationship. The help, healing and growth we all seek in our personal and professional lives, begins with understanding and accepting ourselves.
The horses respond to us in a beautifully authentic way, no agenda, simple truth, unconditional love. This in turn helps us better understand and accept our Creator’s response to us, which shapes our entire worldview and influences every decision and every relationship.
Our sessions help people find their own firm foundation on which to build on.