From the mountains and shores of New England to the mountains of Pakistan, the cities of Taiwan, the bustle of Singapore then to the foothills of Colorado, I have been privileged to see the Holy Spirit work in creative ways. It was not until 2014 that I was introduced to the world of horses and equine assisted learning. That year I met Rhonda, a key volunteer with The Son and Reins Ranch. Rhonda opened my eyes and heart to the power of this ministry. Rhonda and I also share the experience of losing our first spouse to cancer. The Lord led, and we were married in 2015.
During my 35 years of church and mission work, I have served on boards, councils, committees, and in leadership. From those experiences, I understand the critical foundation that a board provides to a ministry. It is that experience and insight that God has called me to bring to The Son and Reins Ranch. What a privilege it is to witness how the Holy Spirit is moving in power through this team!

I’m so thankful to my parents for teaching me about Father God and His great love for me. Our loving home was, however, torn apart when I was 16 by my parent’s divorce. Teenage and young adult hardships followed and God’s love was continually in my life and I am also thankful for His Faithfulness.
It was a few years ago and a testimony on stage at church that brought me to The Son and Reins Ranch ministry. . . and an interest/dream of being involved with horses as a young girl.
Being a volunteer (assisting Sharron in ministering) for a season actually turned into being a participant (being ministered to). Our Father God is so amazing in His creation. I would never have guessed a horse to be so sensitive and discerning as to the issues of my heart, without a word being spoken.
The Holy Spirit gently used a horse to open my eyes to fears and other things so familiar that I no longer acknowledged were right there in my face. The Son and Reins Ranch is where healing has continued to happen in my heart.
Sharron and The Son & Reins Ranch have been a huge blessing in my life.
I was raised in a Christian home in IL. Strayed for a few years as a teen and dabbled in the occult. By God’s grace and many prayers I returned to the church. Became a youth leader, moved on to help lead the College & Career group and filled in as a youth pastor at my uncles church for a year.
God opened a door in 2005 and I joined the staff of YFC Project Serve in CO. This is where I met Sharron. She was a missionary for YFC at the time. Her bubbly personality and passion for Jesus always drew me to her when she was in town. Unfortunately we lost contact when I moved back to IL in 2010.
Went through a rough divorce in 2018. Out of the blue I received and email newsletter from Sharron about the ranch & ministry. God put it on my heart to donate. Next thing I knew Sharron was texting & emailing asking about life and we reconnected. She was always encouraging and praying for me. Slowly life began to fall back into place & my walk with the Lord grows stronger everyday. God is so faithful! It’s a privilege and honor to serve on the board of a ministry that meets people where they are, encourages them to keep moving forward and introduces them to the healing love of Jesus Christ.

Sharron – Executive Director
Horses have always been part of my life, and I’m so thankful for that! It was only in 2009 though, that I learned in an official capacity just how much of a powerful impact horses can have in our lives. I’ve always known it was therapeutic to be around them, I’ve always been thankful I got to grow up with them, and I’ve long been aware of horses being used to help physically disabled people. In 2009 though, God rocked my world and redirected my path when He opened my eyes and made me aware of how effective horses are in helping us heal from emotional wounds, deal with internal and external conflicts, and replace lies with truth! Being able to work with my horses (and my dogs, who are always around to amuse, love and comfort) in a way that brings hope, healing and renewed life not only to them, but also to people who are hurting and struggling, oh my goodness, it blesses me beyond words…. And in every session, God works not only in the participants, but also in me! We all have issues, weaknesses, wounds that need healing, lies we still believe…. We all have struggles, we’re all a work in progress. There is no judgement here! We’re on this journey together!
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