Boaz, along with Abishai and Ladybug, was part of Sharron’s original herd of rescue horses, who were all being rescued for the second time when Sharron got them. His first rescue came years ago when he tore a major artery in his leg. His then owners were going to have him put down because there was no longer any chance of him making money in the show jumping world. Instead, somebody rescued him and had surgery done on his leg. A year later, Boaz developed stringhalt, which has to do with the nerves and scar tissue in his leg. This causes Boaz to walk differently, but it does not cause him pain.
Fast forward ~8 years, Boaz had to be rescued a second time because he was skin and bones, a walking skeleton, hooves the size of dinner plates, teeth overgrown and causing ulcers in his mouth, standing in two feet of dried up manure. It had been years since anybody had been on the horse’s side of the fence to take care of them in any capacity. Hay was thrown over the fence once a day. That was the extent of their care.
Since coming to The Son and Reins Ranch, Boaz has put on weight, his hooves and mouth are healthy, and he is happy and strong! He’s learned he can do everything the other horses can do, no matter that his back leg is different.
*Boaz, Abishai and Ladybug were all rescued together and came to Son and Reins in 2012.
Meaning of name: Boaz is a major figure in the Bible in the book of Ruth. He is known to be a foreshadow of Jesus as a kinsman-redeemer, or one who redeems, rescues, provides for, protects and accepts as his own. Put simply, Boaz is an example of Jesus, and Jesus is the true and ultimate Boaz.

Abi, along with Boaz and Ladybug, was part of our original herd of rescue horses, being rescued a second time. Her first rescue story came years ago, when, after doing some horse racing, her then owners decided to use her as a jumper. But every time she jumped, she would buck the rider off and they would then turn around and beat her. Eventually she was rescued from this abusive situation. X-rays were done and they found that Abi had a pinched nerve in her back, so every time she jumped it hurt her and she was trying to let them know. Instead, they beat her.
Fast forward ~7 years, Abi had to be rescued a second time because she was starving and in poor health, standing in two feet of dried up manure. It had been years since anybody had been on the horse’s side of the fence to take care of them in any capacity. Hay was thrown over the fence once a day. That was the extent of their care.
Since coming to The Son and Reins Ranch, Abi has overcome many of her fears, is pain free and able to be ridden again. She is happy and healthy!
*Boaz, Abishai and Ladybug were all rescued together and came to Son and Reins in 2012.
Meaning of name: “The present of my father.” 1 Sam. 26:6
Ladybug, along with Abi and Boaz, was part of our original herd of rescue horses, being rescued a second time. Her first rescue story came years ago, when her then owner fell into hard times and just stopped feeding baby Ladybug and her mom. She was starving and had a deep wound on the bridge of her nose where they left her halter on while she was still growing. She was rescued from this terrible situation.
Fast forward ~4 years, Ladybug had to be rescued a second time because, like Boaz and Abi, she was again being starved and neglected. It had been years since anybody had been on the horse’s side of the fence to take care of them in any capacity. Hay was thrown over the fence once a day. That was the extent of their care.
Since coming to The Son and Reins Ranch, Ladybug has learned boundaries and has really come into her own! She’s found her true personality, playfulness and cheekiness. She has been ridden for the first time and has become one of the best teachers! She is fat and sassy, though she still thinks she’s starving. 😊
*Boaz, Abishai and Ladybug were all rescued together and came to Son and Reins in 2012.
Meaning of name: The ladybug is linked to spiritual ideals and devotion. Since the life cycle of an adult ladybug is short, it teaches us how to release worries and enjoy our lives to the fullest. When a ladybug appears in our life, it can be a good reminder to “let go and let God.”

Zoe used to be a barrel racer, until one day she slipped and fell as she went around one of the barrels. Her then owner said Zoe was never as competitive again after that, so she got rid of her. The next family to get Zoe got her for their daughter who had started down the wrong path. They hoped getting her a horse would redirect her in a more positive direction. This probably would’ve worked if they had been able to keep Zoe closer to home, but as it was, they had to board her an hour away. Zoe was having her basic needs met, but she was lonely and sad, and turns out, in a great deal of physical pain that wasn’t discovered until after she was donated to Son and Reins.
Since coming to The Son and Reins Ranch, Zoe’s teeth have been fixed and the ulcers in her mouth have healed. We also realized that even though a farrier had been doing Zoe’s hooves over the years, that farrier did more harm than good. The way her hooves had been getting trimmed, it was putting much strain on Zoe’s hips and shoulders – imagine if you were to wear high heeled shoes 24/7 for years on end, and this is similar to what was happening to Zoe.
As Zoe healed and her pain eased, we began to see a lot more energy and personality come out of her! She’s a sweet, loving horse, eager to please!
Meaning of name: “Eternal life.” John 3:16
Kat, separate from the others, also had to be rescued a second time. Her first rescue happened when she was in a brood mare facility that was being shut down. She was nearly on the truck to go to slaughter when she was first rescued by a man who wanted to breed her to his stallion. The other horses in his herd never accepted Kat, they chased her until she couldn’t run anymore, they pinned her under the fence, kicked her and wouldn’t share food with her. So she had to be separated and kept more confined. They knew this wasn’t good for her, so they gave her to Son and Reins.
When Kat first came to The Son and Reins Ranch, she was put on a diet and exercised, since Sharron was told she was not pregnant. About 6 weeks later, Sharron found a delightful surprise in the form of a newborn foal! Since then, the baby was given to another good home, and Kat has healed from many of her wounds, physical and mental. She has come a long way in learning boundaries, and she’s grown in confidence and security. She loves being loved on!
Meaning of name: One who cleanses and spreads good fragrance. In the Bible, Katurah brought people together and was a good companion for Abraham.

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