Please prayerfully consider joining our prayer team! We believe prayer is one of our fundamental foundational layers, and it has to be solid to ensure we are building on a firm foundation. Prayer honors God, and God honors our prayers. Prayer is not a way for us to try to control or manipulate God, but rather it’s His way for us to surrender to His leadership, to recognize His ways are greater than ours and His thoughts higher than our own, and to seek His purpose and plan for how He wants to work in us and through us.
Saddle Up and Pray: Calling all Prayer Warriors!
Join us to intercede for the Ranch, individually in prayer as well as attending prayer gatherings when possible. Receiving our monthly praise and prayer requests plus news from the Ranch. Sign up to pray for one of our weekly 2 hour sessions, ensuring that the session, the mentor, the participant and the horse are all bathed in prayer as they meet together each week.

Aligning with Our Vision & Supporting Our Mission
Since prayer is the backbone and the foundation of this ministry, we will help the ministry reach its vision by faithfully seeking and glorifying God through prayer and worship. We will regularly commit ourselves and every part of this ministry to His will, believing in Him and following His every step, trusting that He will touch people’s hearts and transform their lives.
To support the ministry’s mission, we will create an atmosphere of prayer, ensuring that every volunteer and participant are being lifted up during a session and throughout the week, praying for the Unseen Facilitator (the Holy Spirit) to do a mighty work to reveal truth and bring healing through the equine-related activities.
Share in Ranch Life
We depend on your support & we invite you to partner with us. The three main ways to join us in our mission are listed below. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to get involved and become part of The Son & Reins Ranch family.
It’s all about relationship…
We can only trust a person or animal to the extent that we know them. We can’t start with a relationship and then work on trust and respect, because any relationship not built on trust and respect will be superficial and unfulfilling. We all have an innate need and desire to know and be known; to understand and be understood; to be accepted and loved for who we are.
This is true whether we’re talking about us and a horse, us and another person, or us and God.
At the heart of every one of our sessions is relationship. The help, healing and growth we all seek in our personal and professional lives, begins with understanding and accepting ourselves.
The horses respond to us in a beautifully authentic way, no agenda, simple truth, unconditional love. This in turn helps us better understand and accept our Creator’s response to us, which shapes our entire worldview and influences every decision and every relationship.
Our sessions help people find their own firm foundation on which to build on.