Help with EAL sessions, working with the Participants & Horses
We always need caring, mature Christian adults to meet with those we serve. Session volunteers must go through an application and screening process, including a background check.
All training will be provided in order to help you be equipped, empowered, encouraged and effective in your volunteer role.
We work with a variety of ages, a variety of challenging life situations, and a variety of needs. If your passion is working with youth, we will do all we can to pair you with youth. If you desire to work with adults, or a specific area of need, again we will do all we can to place you accordingly.
Pray Over Specific Sessions
We know that prayer is powerful because we’re praying to the all-powerful God! True healing, life change and eternal transformation cannot happen apart from Him. It is our desire to have people specifically and intentionally praying over each session, committing each person to prayer by name, asking God to have His way and to make His loving presence known.

Behind the scenes help
If you’d like to help in other ways, there are plenty of opportunities, including:
- “handy man” projects
- writing for our blog
- helping raise funds
- gathering stories and testimonies from volunteers and participants
- writing articles for our newsletters
- spreading the word about the ministry
- keeping our social media up to date
- helping with administrative tasks, such as writing thank you notes, doing reference calls, listening to various webinars, research various grant opportunities, etc.
If you are interested in helping in a way that hasn’t been mentioned, or if you have further questions – Please Contact Us! We are always open to new ideas!
It’s all about relationship…
We can only trust a person or animal to the extent that we know them. We can’t start with a relationship and then work on trust and respect, because any relationship not built on trust and respect will be superficial and unfulfilling. We all have an innate need and desire to know and be known; to understand and be understood; to be accepted and loved for who we are.
This is true whether we’re talking about us and a horse, us and another person, or us and God.
At the heart of every one of our sessions is relationship. The help, healing and growth we all seek in our personal and professional lives, begins with understanding and accepting ourselves.
The horses respond to us in a beautifully authentic way, no agenda, simple truth, unconditional love. This in turn helps us better understand and accept our Creator’s response to us, which shapes our entire worldview and influences every decision and every relationship.
Our sessions help people find their own firm foundation on which to build on.