Our equine-assisted-learning (EAL) sessions are very different than traditional talk therapy. They are experiential, hands-on, in the moment activities that engage all your senses, with or without words, and meet you right where you are. You will see and feel immediate results, which will encourage and keep you motivated to continue doing the hard work required for effective change and growth towards mental, emotional and relational health. In the Ranch’s safe environment, you will be supported and empowered as you go through your own healing process at your own pace and in your own way.
We don’t teach anything, because who are we to tell anybody what they need to “learn”. What we do is facilitate learning opportunities, through the experiential learning activities with our horses, for very personal, specific, life-changing growth to occur based on your own unique interaction and experience with the horse.
Whether you’re doing a group session or you’re doing an individual session that many other individuals have done before, your experience will be uniquely yours. The impact will be personal and specific to you and what you need, based on who you are, where you are mentally and emotionally, what you’ve been through, what you’re dealing with and what you want to work on. Just as in our daily lives, we can perceive, interpret and receive things very differently than the person sitting right next to us.
In our sessions you will never be expected to fit into any mold, or to respond the way somebody else did, or to say or do the “right” thing. Part of the beauty and effectiveness of EAL sessions is that there is no right or wrong, there are no expectations, and the experience and outcome cannot be manipulated or controlled – the horses have no agenda, they are always present and authentic, they are not influenced by bias, judgement or preconceived notions, and they are unapologetically free to be themselves – they don’t know how to be anything other than who and what God created them to be! This is the freedom, wholeness, identity and purpose we will all find as we heal and grow.
You’ll find that God uses the horses more than the facilitators, to bring about necessary awareness and understanding of yourself, such as: your communication and boundaries, the roles you take on, what your triggers and coping mechanisms are, how you approach relationships, manage conflict, and relate to the people and world around you. The horses immediately and without judgement, will let you know what’s effective and what’s not effective. What works and what does not work. This then gives you the opportunity to work through things, approach and re-approach, to learn healthier and more effective communication, attitudes, responses, coping mechanisms, etc., for effective and lasting healing, growth and change to occur.
We offer 1:1 sessions as well as group sessions. The equine-assisted-learning (EAL) activities are beneficial for individuals, couples or pairs of any kind, families or groups of any kind. No matter where you are in life or what you’re dealing with, EAL can bring new insights, perspective and understanding.
EAL empowers you to think for yourself and to find your own voice, while also giving permission to be authentic in what you’re feeling.
The trained facilitators are diligent and intentional when preparing the EALs, and yet we know that what happens in the context of the session is not up to us, and nor would we want it to be! It is never up to the facilitator to tell you what you should get out of the experience, or to try to interpret what was happening for you. We are not here to advise or counsel, but rather we’re here to give you a safe place to be yourself, to work through whatever you’re dealing with, and to be empowered to overcome your trials, and take ownership of your choices, attitudes and lives.
We can’t fake it with a horse or with God. Thankfully both are willing to meet us right where we are; to offer us unconditional love, truth, hope, and acceptance.
“He will cover you with His mane and, tucked in the curve of His neck, you will find refuge.”
~Psalm 91:4

“The power and effectiveness of Equine Assisted Learning is that it is experiential based, not talk based. Through experiences in the arena with horses, the individual sees, then understands what has been hidden in one’s heart and mind that has hindered a successful and contented life and/or relationship.
Horses are such powerful tools because their natural, instinctive behavior and senses guarantee safety and survival. Because the horse is a prey animal, it must be keenly aware of its surroundings and quick to react. Hence the horse will always watch for the slightest movement in its environment and, accordingly, will respond to body posture, both positive and negative.
Because horses can sense the difference between a calm, non-threatening posture; an anxious or fearful posture; and a contradictory posture, they will immediately identify people who are struggling internally and will respond honestly and accurately according to what they observe. Note too that when a horse senses confident leadership qualities in people they will be willing to follow only after they discover the necessary qualities of respect and trust. In the horse’s world, horses learn through positive and equitable stimulus to respect and respond to the guidelines of hierarchy in the herd – team work is expected, respected, and then followed. Their world is not directed by bias, dishonesty or judgment, or pre-conceived notions, nor by manipulation and control. Unless a horse has been abused by humans, the horse will always love unconditionally and respond loyally … he will willingly let you ride upon him into life’s most difficult battles.
Hence the use of horses provides a thoroughly positive and powerful environment that guarantees the EAL facilitator and participant(s) will successfully discover what has inhibited the participant to become all that God had intended – to live a life of successful relationships, a life filled with purpose and contentment. When we powerfully encounter God’s nature and His truth through interaction and non-verbal communication with horses, we are able to finally experience positive, life-altering transformation.”
~Elaine Davis, Unbridled Faith Farm, faith-based EAL
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